
ML |使用线性回归的降雨量预测


先决条件: 线性回归



该数据集是来自德克萨斯州奥斯汀的公共天气数据集,可在 Kaggle 上获得。数据集可以在这里找到。

数据清理: 数据以各种形式出现,其中大部分都非常杂乱和无组织。它们很少可以随时使用。数据集,无论大小,都有各种各样的问题——无效字段、缺失值和附加值,以及与我们要求的形式不同的值。为了使它成为可操作的或结构化的形式,我们需要“清理”我们的数据,并使其随时可用。一些常见的清理包括解析、转换为一热、删除不必要的数据等。

在我们的案例中,我们的数据有几天没有记录某些因素。如果有微量降水,以厘米为单位的降雨量标记为 T。我们的算法需要数字,所以我们不能处理数据中突然出现的字母。因此,在将数据应用到我们的模型之前,我们需要清理数据

用 Python 清理数据:

# importing libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# read the data in a pandas dataframe
data = pd.read_csv("austin_weather.csv")

# drop or delete the unnecessary columns in the data.
data = data.drop(['Events', 'Date', 'SeaLevelPressureHighInches', 
                  'SeaLevelPressureLowInches'], axis = 1)

# some values have 'T' which denotes trace rainfall
# we need to replace all occurrences of T with 0
# so that we can use the data in our model
data = data.replace('T', 0.0)

# the data also contains '-' which indicates no 
# or NIL. This means that data is not available
# we need to replace these values as well.
data = data.replace('-', 0.0)

# save the data in a csv file


我们将使用 Scikit-learn 的线性回归模型来训练我们的数据集。一旦模型被训练好,我们就可以为各种列给出我们自己的输入,如温度、露点、压力等。根据这些属性来预测天气。

# importing libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sklearn as sk
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# read the cleaned data
data = pd.read_csv("austin_final.csv")

# the features or the 'x' values of the data
# these columns are used to train the model
# the last column, i.e, precipitation column 
# will serve as the label 
X = data.drop(['PrecipitationSumInches'], axis = 1)

# the output or the label.
Y = data['PrecipitationSumInches']
# reshaping it into a 2-D vector
Y = Y.values.reshape(-1, 1)

# consider a random day in the dataset
# we shall plot a graph and observe this
# day
day_index = 798
days = [i for i in range(Y.size)]

# initialize a linear regression classifier
clf = LinearRegression()
# train the classifier with our 
# input data.
clf.fit(X, Y)

# give a sample input to test our model
# this is a 2-D vector that contains values
# for each column in the dataset.
inp = np.array([[74], [60], [45], [67], [49], [43], [33], [45],
                [57], [29.68], [10], [7], [2], [0], [20], [4], [31]])
inp = inp.reshape(1, -1)

# print the output.
print('The precipitation in inches for the input is:', clf.predict(inp))

# plot a graph of the precipitation levels
# versus the total number of days.
# one day, which is in red, is
# tracked here. It has a precipitation
# of approx. 2 inches.
print("the precipitation trend graph: ")
plt.scatter(days, Y, color = 'g')
plt.scatter(days[day_index], Y[day_index], color ='r')
plt.title("Precipitation level")
plt.ylabel("Precipitation in inches")

x_vis = X.filter(['TempAvgF', 'DewPointAvgF', 'HumidityAvgPercent',
                  'SeaLevelPressureAvgInches', 'VisibilityAvgMiles',
                  'WindAvgMPH'], axis = 1)

# plot a graph with a few features (x values)
# against the precipitation or rainfall to observe
# the trends

print("Precipitation vs selected attributes graph: ")

for i in range(x_vis.columns.size):
    plt.subplot(3, 2, i + 1)
    plt.scatter(days, x_vis[x_vis.columns.values[i][:100]],
                                               color = 'g')

                color ='r')




The precipitation in inches for the input is: [[1.33868402]]

The precipitation trend graph:


具有大约 2 英寸降水量的一天(红色)被多个参数跟踪(同一天被多个特征如温度、压力等跟踪)。x 轴表示天数,y 轴表示特征量,如温度、压力等。从图中可以观察到,当温度高、湿度大时,降雨量可以预计会很高。
